So long as he's a Southerner and thinks like you.

I'm sure marriage is too, but I know I can manage. Remaining vigilantly aversive to consumer debt, merging numerous family factions (even within my own clan), and deciding on an appropriate hair style is difficult.

It doesn't help that weddings are so...ugh...weighty. Simply being a bride exerts a certain superiority that I'm not comfortable with. There's so much competition. I don't like the idea of 'snagging' a man, as if they're small animals harvested for their pelts. I don't like the idea of making people worry about registry gifts. I don't like the idea of spending $5000 on ugly/boring dresses so I can say, "I'm able to spend $5000 on an ugly/boring dress, doesn't that make me...."

What? Special? Pretty? Fertile?

All I want is to hang out with my friends and family. Eat good food. Sing some songs. Dance a paso-doble. Wear some sweet wooden wedding rings. No power trips. No 'higher than thou's. No freak outs.
NOTE: CN once asked me where I find my pictures. The simple answer is good ol' Google Image search. The long answer often involves the Library of Congress image archives; I'm especially fond of their current Bound For Glory online exhibit. State universities often have impressive online collections as well, such as Virginia Tech's Imagebase. Propaganda cards from WWI are always a good browse as well. The above wedding images were found at the Lafayette Negative Archive (I hope my non-commercial use of them works out okay).