07 February 2006

Excuse to embed video like the cool kids are doing.

On our summer-road-trip-travaganza, Matt and I had big plans to hit West Virginia.

Why? Mostly because they have apple butter and banjos. Plus, a wee Di once lived in the town of Hurricane ("Hurruh-kun", not "Hurry-cane") with my toddler-years best friend named Reber.

Mom said, "When you come back down from those mountains, your car'll be falling apart."

Dad said, "It's a pain in the ass gettin' up in there."

He suggested taking I-81 instead, a Virginian pathway frequented by truckers, and stopping at the Luray Caverns, a place that stirred up boyhood memories of awesomeness and wonder.

Wonder, indeed!

They also have an antique auto museum (free admisson!!):

And a maze (The answer to the riddle is "A-maze-ing movies"! Har!):

Yet, as much as I wish I was being sarcastic, Luray Caverns rawks. Seriously. They have beer at the Stalactite Cafe and ViewMasters in the gift shop. Everyone who visits is a bit of a dork, from awkward pre-pubescent boys and girls giving gleaming (see also: orthodontic treatment) grins in front of the Stalacpipe Organ...

...to twenty-something lovebirds using cheat tactics in a garden maze and conversing about constructing a 3-D display from handy objects around the home.


Blogger xxx said...

that looks sharp. ouch-sharp.

1:50 AM  

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