22 November 2006

It's true.

My pesky husband described my skill at playing Red Steel in the following manner:

"...when she had trouble aiming in the beginning she would just run up to someone shooting her and blow them the fuck away..."

What can I say? I'm flirty.

19 November 2006


Best non-racing thing of note: Wii

M, E, and I had to go to Houlton to pick one up at the Wal-Mart midnight sale. Despite the dizzying glare of artificial lighting and the disorienting layout, I managed to race a fat kid for a reserve ticket. Since I was wearing my jacket with the #11 applique on the back, it sort of resembled the last race at Martinsville: I just didn't feel like wrecking that poor kid.

We did what most people do in Houlton: eat large sandwiches, play Big Buck Hunter at the Big Stop, and sing some of the words to "Then He Kissed Me" (Lesley Gore rendition).

I bowled twice. I will play hours of Zelda later this week. It will be awesome.

Other non-racing thing of note: The Rebellion Jardiniere kit at French Touche.

I'm not really sure why I would want to lead a garden rebellion.


Oh wait, I remember now.

Best while-not-racing thing of note: Contender Press Conference

I like catching drivers when their defenses are down, and, at times, press conferences can hold gems of charming behavior.

Such as Jr. and DH looking openly bored during the whole thing. I would've been content with being able to see the two of them stare into the rafters, seek out shiny things, and make come hither glances at lady reporters...

...but then it got better.

I admit, I zoned out when Jimmie Johnson was talking about Talledega (maybe he wasn't even talking about Talledega). Thus, I was pleasantly surprised to hear Jr. and DH exhange some sort of whisper-discussion mirroring a conversation between junior high girls about this VNSFW (or most homes, I guess) video:

Again, it could have stopped here and still be plenty awesome, except for three key points: a) Denny's carefree ease at being able to make the press giggle at his Virginian...er...charm b) Jr.'s use of the term "camcordin'", which is almost faux Southern, c) the mutual agreement between Jr. and DH that this would be something that Jimmie Johnson could appreciate...knowing that Jr. fans kind of want him shot.



Thinking of Jr. and DH as total BFF is also a perk. Dare I say, it's quietly one of the best things to happen to racing. After watching their mini-battle during the Busch race last night, along with Denny's declaration to the press that his "potential as a race car driver is not nearly at its peak yet", I'd say things are going to be fun to watch.

I have to blink alot as is, since my eyes dry out with excitement. Is that weird?

Non-racing things I will do after the season is over:

1. Learn to properly roast chickens.
2. Read non-racing books, such as 'Thirteen Moons' by Charles Frazier.
3. Learn to properly ventilate a home.
4. Knit mittens.
5. Take walks with my husband in the woods.
6. Celebrate holidays.
7. Write Denny Hamlin fan fiction inspired by the "Young Indiana Jones" television series, where Denny gets to engage in lots of drinking and fist fights with Ernest Hemingway.
8. Cry. A little.

07 November 2006


I really love Carrie Underwood. Her latest song is wicked catchy PLUS she carries a baseball bat around in the video. Awesome. Someone once said that we looked alike, but I think this is a stretch. With a former surname like 'Brooks', I spent much of my youth daydreaming about the prospect of having wealthy country star kinfolk. This type of experience can apply here as well. In short, I would french braid Carrie's hair under an oak tree.

I was incredibly happy to hear of the poor loser spectacle that was Faith Hill.

See also:

In the immortal words of Tony Stewart: Dood.

I'm pretty sure Loretta Lynn would lay a serious smack down for this type of behavior.

See also:

Serious. Smack. Down.

03 November 2006

Ce n'est pas un apology.

I might start writing more. I've been distracted by nothing in particular, just lazily pondering fanatic behavior. What I thought would be a temporary interest in NASCAR still persists. Thankfully, I've learned all that Google and the Speed channel have to offer about Denny Hamlin. To save you the labor, I've come up with this useful synopsis:

1. His full name is James Dennis Alan Hamlin, Jr. I think J.D.A. Hamlin is a perfectly handsome name, but it doesn't invoke memories of cherry pie and free refills.
2. He has a one-eyed spotter. This is neither perverse nor an endangered species.
3. This is his biggest fan. She could beat me up, and I'm okay with this.
4. He's been set on fire by Tony Stewart. I'm not sure how to work this into fan fiction, but...
5. 19 stitches, no pills, 2nd place finish. Well-played.
6. He sneaks glances at Wendy Venturini's "boobies" when he thinks she isn't paying attention.
7. Amateur critics (i.e., teenagers on Yahoo! Answers) are quick to express a certain dislike for his face and/or his voice. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Andrew Johnson's face. Ah, well.
8. His rear-tire changer's son is really good at flag football.
9. "Hamlin is sort of a Southern version of Napoleon Dynamite, sans the ultra-curly hair and goofy 1980s glasses." - ESPN
10. In relation to #4, he referred to Tony Stewart as a "chicken". I can't even contemplate calling the woman I buy yarn from a chicken, let alone someone who sets people on fire. Mmmm....chicken.

Bonus: Jesus.

There. Now, I think I can finally learn how to properly prepare salt cod. Or play guitar. Or ask for a doctor in Korean.