14 October 2008


I've been compulsively flossing my teeth in an effort to impress my well-adjusted dental hygienist. I've been reading up on American colonialism, discovering that my husband's lineage involves alot of falling into sizeable bodies of water. Note to self: keep floaties on future children (even if adopted) at all times. I've been disturbed/delighted at my shocking resemblance to Sarah Palin. I've co-performed a wedding ceremony. I've learned to replace the spark plugs on my car, only to become too exhausted to change the defective plug wires myself. Thus, my dad has had two simultaneously crying daughters with a 20 some-odd year age difference. I've been helping children make paintings of trees, mountain puppets, and clay restaurants. I've found that planing lumber with my husband is romantic, but this might be misunderstood. We switched sides in our bed to optimize body contact.

I've chain-smoked and quit. Wrote poems about winter's insanity and have been haunted by my grandfather at the grocery store. Made amends with my mother and my false insecurity....kind of. I've run through strangers' lawns and back again. Built muscles and softened them. Helped a man learn MacBeth in German. A girl learn French through Japanese. Met the Southern stereotype that I've been so worried about. I've stopped screaming and hitting. Got a compliment about my smile. I've gone sledding, apple picking, and rock skipping. Bought kitten-heeled shoes. Earned a 1967 Chevy Impala...maybe. I've been called patient, which made me happier than expected. I've found success at stacking firewood through occasional failure.

That's what I remember. I'll try harder to chronicle what comes next.


Anonymous maeko said...


8:31 PM  

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