24 May 2006

By the numbers.

I have an interview for a position with AMHC tomorrow. They asked me to provide five years of employment history (including any periods of unemployment).

They gave me 1 page to do this, with 5 segments.
Tomorrow, I will give them 3 pages, with 16 segments.
Of these 16 segments, only 4 represent periods of unemployment.
I've worked for 10 different employers in the past 5 years. 11 total.

I've attended 10 schools (from kindergarten to completion of B.A.).
In my life, I've lived in 9 states...roughly.
I've spent the night in 17 states...roughly.
3 countries outside of the U.S.

I've been around for 24 years...roughly.
293 months is closer.
8,925 days might be more precise.
771,161,458 seconds to be exact.
Although, now...it's not as exact.
Oh well.

I've kissed 12 people passionately on the mouth...roughly.
'Roughly' still referring to an estimated figure.
I'm usually quite kind about it, really.
That's all I'll say about that.

Here's a story about chasing hobos.

19 May 2006


OK Computer.

Also, I got a job at the mall-o-rific book store. I also have a job interview to become a government clerk. I supplement these prospects by weed-wacking for Matt's grammy and grampy.

I need to learn cribbage and bridge.

Since I've been gone, I've become obsessed with NASCAR. If you stick with me, I'll explain how obsessed and NASCAR can go together for a whimsical 24-year old gal like myself.

Denny Hamlin and his awesomeness can serve as starters.

Tony Stewart's monkey ("Mojo") can be be the palate cleanser.

01 May 2006


Computer go boom=bad logic board.

So our (Matt & I) troubleshooting smarts tell us anyhow. We might be wrong. And that's okay.

There's enough money to get it all fixed, but it's sunny out. Soooo...we're going to wait awhile.

If you own/ed an iMac G5 and had a curious incident where unplugging your printer's power cord made your computer fall into a heavy coma...please elaborate. Possible power surge has already been suggested, but, alas, the monster dare not wake from its heavy sleep. If you give us a solution that works, we might consider spending $900 on you instead of a logic board. And hugs. And delicious cookies. And Matt will juggle axes.

Think about it. I'll be around. Daily, rather than constantly.